Monitoring of alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and nicotine products, and gambling

The Public Health Agency of Sweden is responsible for overall coordination and monitoring of a policy for alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and nicotine products, and gambling 2022–2025.

The responsibility comprises, among other things, the coordination, development, and administration of a monitoring system, Indikatorlabbet, which includes a large number of related indicators. Data is collected from the Public Health Agency of Sweden and other agencies and organisations.

Indikatorlabbet (external website) (in English)

The indicators describe the development in the following areas:

  • access to alcohol and tobacco and nicotine products based on price, number of points of sale, opening hours, etc.
  • supervision of municipalities in accordance with the Alcohol act and Act (2018:2088) on tobacco and similar products
  • consumption/use of alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and nicotine products
  • preventive interventions of alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and nicotine products and gambling among municipalities
  • injuries from personal use and use by others of alcohol and narcotics
  • access to healthcare and mortality caused by alcohol, narcotics and tobacco.

Indikatorlabbet is mainly aimed at decision-makers and officials working with these issues within governmental agencies, county administrative boards, regions, municipalities, and organisations.

Based on the monitoring system, the Agency publishes analyses of the development within the areas alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and nicotine products, and gambling.