Requirements on roll-your-own tobacco

Roll-your-own tobacco intended for consumers on the Swedish market must comply with the rules in the Act on Tobacco and Similar Products and other relevant legislation. For example the Act on Tobacco Tax.

What is roll-your-own tobacco?

Roll-your-own tobacco is tobacco which can be used for making cigarettes by consumers or retail outlets.

Requirements in the Act on Tobacco and Similar Products

Requirements in other legislations

In Sweden, there are requirements in other legislation than the Act on Tobacco and Similar Products that applies to roll-your-own tobacco.

  • Act on Tobacco Tax. If you have questions about excise duty on tobacco that must be paid on tobacco goods manufactured in, imported into, or received in Sweden – either from another EU country or from a country outside the EU, please contact the Swedish Tax Agency.

Act (2022:155) on Tobacco Tax ( (in Swedish)

Excise duty on tobacco (

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